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Infertility Diagnosis at Medihope Clinic

Infertility Diagnosis at Medihope Clinic

At Medihope Clinic, we understand how challenging infertility can be. Our experienced team works closely with you to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and reproductive health to identify possible causes and recommend treatments. Sometimes, infertility may have no identifiable cause, a condition known as unexplained infertility.

Testing for infertility can involve advanced procedures, and while it may come with emotional and financial challenges, our team provides compassionate support throughout the process.

Infertility Tests for Men

Male fertility depends on the production of healthy sperm, proper sperm release, and successful sperm movement toward the egg. Our diagnostic approach identifies and addresses issues at any of these stages.

Key tests for male infertility include:

  1. Physical Exam
    A thorough physical examination, including an evaluation of the genitals, to check for abnormalities.

  2. Semen Analysis
    A cornerstone test where you provide a semen sample, often by masturbation or during interrupted intercourse. The sample is analyzed in a lab to check sperm count, shape, and motility.

  3. Hormone Testing
    A blood test to measure levels of testosterone and other reproductive hormones.

  4. Genetic Testing
    This test identifies genetic abnormalities that could affect fertility.

  5. Testicular Biopsy
    A rare procedure where a small sample of testicular tissue is analyzed to diagnose blockages or conditions affecting sperm production. It may also be used to retrieve sperm for assisted reproductive techniques like IVF.

  6. Imaging
    Imaging tests like ultrasound evaluate the scrotum, seminal glands, and reproductive pathways. For hormonal issues, a brain MRI may identify pituitary tumors causing infertility.

  7. Other Specialized Tests
    In certain cases, semen samples may undergo advanced analysis to check for DNA damage or other abnormalities affecting sperm quality.

Infertility Tests for Women

Female fertility depends on the release of healthy eggs, the health of the fallopian tubes and uterus, and the ability of a fertilized egg to implant successfully. Our diagnostic tests are tailored to identify issues in these processes.

Key tests for female infertility include:

  1. Ovulation Testing
    A blood test measures hormone levels to confirm if ovulation is occurring.

  2. Thyroid Function Test
    A blood test checks for thyroid abnormalities, which can impact fertility.

  3. Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
    This imaging test uses a special dye and X-rays to assess the uterus and fallopian tubes, identifying blockages or other abnormalities.

  4. HyFoSy (Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography)
    HyFoSy is a modern, minimally invasive alternative to HSG that uses ultrasound and a foam-like contrast to evaluate the uterus and fallopian tubes in real time.

    Advantages of HyFoSy include:

    • Minimally Invasive: Avoids exposure to X-rays, ensuring a safer diagnostic approach.
    • Comfortable Experience: Most patients report less discomfort compared to HSG.
    • Precise Results: Provides clear imaging of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity, helping identify blockages or abnormalities.

    At Medihope Clinic, we offer HyFoSy to make the diagnostic process as patient-friendly as possible, while maintaining accuracy and efficiency.

  5. Ovarian Reserve Testing
    Hormone tests conducted early in the menstrual cycle evaluate the quantity and quality of eggs remaining in the ovaries.

  6. Other Hormone Testing
    Hormonal levels related to ovulation and pituitary function are measured to identify reproductive issues.

  7. Imaging Tests

    • Pelvic Ultrasound: Identifies uterine or ovarian diseases.
    • Sonohysterogram (Saline Infusion Sonogram): Uses saline and ultrasound to view the uterus in greater detail.
  8. Advanced Diagnostic Procedures (if needed):

    • Hysteroscopy: A minimally invasive procedure that uses a thin, lighted device to examine and treat uterine abnormalities.
    • Laparoscopy: A surgical procedure that uses a small incision to evaluate and treat conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, or fallopian tube blockages.

Personalized Testing Plan

At Medihope Clinic, not every patient requires extensive testing. Based on your medical history, symptoms, and initial findings, our team works with you to decide which tests are necessary. This tailored approach ensures efficient and cost-effective care while providing a clear path toward achieving your dream of parenthood.

Contact Medihope Clinic today to schedule a consultation with our fertility specialists. Let us support you on your journey to parenthood with expert care and compassion.

06 Dec 2024