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Ultrasound Scan

Thyroid ultrasound uses sound waves to produce pictures of the thyroid gland within the neck. It does not use ionizing radiation and is commonly used to evaluate lumps or nodules found during a routine physical or other imaging exam. Because ultrasound captures images in real-time, it can show the structure and movement of the body's internal organs.

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Male reproductive organs scan will be examining the prostate, scrotum, testicles, epididymitis and inguinal area.

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A doctor may recommend a liver ultrasound if a person have PAIN AT THE UPPER ABDOMEN, high cholesterol, jaundice (yellow eyes/skin), frequent bloated stomach, infected with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C, history of gallbladder stone, abnormal blood result for liver, and follow up of fatty liver disease.

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Kidneys Ureters and Bladder ultrasound, also known as KUB ultrasound. This ultrasound scan is to look for any abnormality that might arise from the kidney ureters and bladder.

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Female reproductive scan includes uterus, ovaries and adnexal (adjacent tissue near uterus and ovaries). it is often done for women who complain of menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleed, irregular menses, bloated abdomen, and difficulty to get pregnant.

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Echocardiogram (Echo) is the ultrasound scanning of the heart to measure its function and efficacy. It is often done in patient with hypertension, have symptoms of heart failure, reduce stamina, both leg swelling, had previous history of heart attack or stenting.

At our centre, we also offer stress Echo test to further assess the functionality of the heart.

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Breast ultrasound scan is often done to evaluate growth, lump or tumour of the breast. It is very a very simple painless procedure and you can get the result fast. It is especially useful when it come to assess any breast related problems in younger women.

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Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound scan is to monitor baby growth throughout the pregnancy journey. It is use from early pregnancy until delivery of baby.  Helps confirm the age of baby, location, and number of babies.

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Ultrasound scan is the safest, cheapest and fastest imaging available to us. It does not contain radiation and it can be done immediately with minimal preparation. It is a very important part of complete health screening.

Ultrasound uses sound wave to see our organs in 2D images, it can penetrate through out soft organs and enable us to see what is inside the organs.

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RM428.00 RM750.00

An abdominal ultrasound is very often done nowadays. It is a medical imaging test that uses sound waves to see inside the belly (abdomen) area.  Increasing amount of patient opted for abdominal ultrasound as their health screening when they first started to establish a health baseline for their internal organs.

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